Programs & Activities

  • Sree Sankara Study Circle

International School of Sree Sankaracharya Studies plans to commence a monthly study circle, in which the original text of Bhagavat pada or any other text that belong to Vedantic tradition will be read and explained by leading scholars at the global level

  • International Lecture Programme

This is a program currently run by the school. This year we plan to organize six such lecture programs, inviting leading scholars in Advaita Vedanta and allied streams of thought globe over.

  • Scholar in Residence Program

The School plans to engage young scholars in the field to continue the interpretative tradition of the Vedanta stream of thought. With this agenda in mind it is proposed that we initiate Scholar in ResidenceProgram under the auspices of the School. This will open avenues for post-doctoral fellows /young Assistant Professors who have expertising Advaita Vedanta/any Vedanta stream/Transcendental philosophies of India to visit the School and stay hereas scholar in residence for a minimum period of there months, during which they are expected to complete a monograph and submit it to the school.

  • International Textual Workshop

During this financial year the School plans to organize a Textual Workshop extending for five days engaging one single scholar to handle any original work from later Advaita tradition.

  • Sasthrartha Vichara

A traditional Sasthrarthavicara/Vakyartasadas may be conducted in any of the Sanskrit Universities in the country on a chosen topic largely subscribed by Advaita school, as a joint venture of ISSS and the host university.

  • Young Scholar's Seminar Competition

A suggestion that emerged in the directorate was that the school may encourage young researchers doing Ph.D program in Advaita Vedanta/other Vedanta streams/ Transcendental philosophies born in India. Young researchers across the globe will be invited for the same. After an initial screening a web seminar shall be conducted under the banner of this school and the winners shall be decided by an adjudicating committee consisting of leading scholars in the field.